Wednesday, March 26, 2014

October 8, 2013

> Last P-day was the best P-day of my entire mission. Which is interesting because we went to a place that I went to over a year ago when I was in Taidong. But this time it was so much better. The place is called San Xian Tai and it was so great. Perfect weather and the wind wasn't bad at all. First time I went it was overcast and the wind was intense. One of the coolest parts of the experience was a less-active named Janice came with us. She is from the Philipines and is one of the biggest sweethearts I have ever met. She works in a resturaunt as a cook and since she is a foreigner they treat her like complete crap. Pretty much modern day slavery. Makes me so angry and sad. But, she got to come out with us and have what could have been the best day of her life. She could not stop smiling the entire day. Warmed this guys heart. 
> Annnnnd...... ZHENG WEI PASSED HIS BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW!!! He will be baptized this Saturday after the entire branch watches Conference. It is going to be an amazing day. And what could be better than right after hearing the Prophets voice, enter into the waters of baptism. My friend Elder Mattsson who interviewed him said he was the most prepared person he has ever interviewed. YEAH. His birthday was on the 5th and we threw him a surprise birthday party. Haha. He was beyond surprised. This kid has most likely never had a birthday party in his entire life. A member gave us a white shirt, I gave him my blue pants that I hate, and Elder Wright gave him a zip up tie. "Hehe. It's a clip on." "Ya sure?" It was an awesome party.
> On Friday we rode up to Songpoo to visit our man Fronk. We get up there and he tells us he just hurt his back trying to move this boulder. So Elder Wright and I move it for him. We're huge. I give all the credit to my traps. And Elder Wright. Because he is actually buff. Then we talked to him for TWO hours. It was nuts. One of the longest lessons I've ever had. He was confused about a lot of different things, but we were able to answer all of his questions. The Spirit was so strong as we taught him the Restoration and about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. It is crazy how similar him beliefs are to ours except for the Restoration. The whole time he was thinking our Churches weren't different at all until we got to the Restoration. After we shared all of the Restoration he as impressed. He said he is so curious about the Book of Mormon and wants to read it. We got his French copy of the Book of Mormon two days ago. I have a feeling he is going to read it in under a week. I know he felt the Spirit as we were teaching him in his small little farm house. Seriously, no cooler place could we be teaching an investigator. In the middle of the mountains in a tiny farm house. So beyond cool. The Lord has blessed us so much with so many cool cool miracles.
> Yesterday we went to the straight jungle to receive training by President and Sister Day. It was so cool. We went with all of the Taidong missionaries as well. 36 missionaries. It was a blast. The hikes here in Taiwan are awesome. They don't have normal trails... Instead of trails they are just stairs. Yeah, my calves are feelin' it. But such a great experience, we spent the entire day in the mountains. I could not have been happier.
> The Lord loves me so much. He has blessed me so much with all of the experiences I have had on my mission. I am so grateful. Yesterday I was reminded how truly lucky I am to be a missionary here in Taiwan. I love it more and more everyday. Tonight we find out if we move or not. I have a feeling I won't move but... I am always wrong. So, we'll see. I will be happy anywhere I go because no matter where I go I am still doing the exact same thing, helping people come unto Christ. And it is the greatest thing I could possibly be doing right now. I love you all.
> Love, Elder Relyea
> Pictures:
> 1:Right when we got to San Xian Tai
 2:Me. On the top of the mountain
 3:The ocean is magestic
 4:The Hualian Zone

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