Wednesday, March 26, 2014

January 12, 2014

Hello beautiful people.
> Being here in Zhunan is so great. This past week we spent so much of our time on the streets talking to everyone. I love it. I never realized how much I love to talk before coming on the mission. I love talking to people, getting to know them, and relating it back to the Gospel. It is the greatest. One of the coolest things is being able to pray with people on the streets. Nothing helps them feel the Spirit stronger than just saying a simple prayer with them and asking Heavenly Father to bless them in their lives. Seriously, I am so blessed to be where I am. With the most loving people. The start of this week was rough. I think Heavenly Father wanted to test us for a sec. We spent all of Wednesday on the streets and no one would really talk to us. Some would talk to us, but those people had no interest. So we decided on Thursday to fast to find some prepared people and Heavenly Father let us have such a sweet experience.
> Elder Liu and I were walking down the street and a man and a woman walk past us. As they walk past I ask if I can give them a pamphlet. They stop and talk to us for a while. We tell them who we are and what we are doing here. The mans name is Qui and his wife's name is Lin. He shares with us that they are in Zhunan looking for work. We explain that we can ask God to help us through prayer. We say a prayer with them and when the prayer is over Qui is crying. He said he didn't know why he was crying but he felt something during the prayer. YES! We told him that what he was feeling was that God heard his prayer and that he will answer it. Such a cool experience. First time I've seen a man we just met cry from prayer. Pretty crazy. Thank you Shengling(Holy Ghost)!
> Being here in Zhunan is such a good time. It is such a difference experience than the first time I was here. The first time I was here I thought everyone hated missionaries and no one wanted to talk to us. But, now my eyes have been opened and I know that the people here are the beans! I have so much love for these people and their culture.
> The second day I was here Elder Liu and I found a new investigator named Zhang Lu Yu. And he is doing so well. He was able to come to Church yesterday and meet with us afterward. He is a 17 year old high school student and he is the man. He lives in some place like a foster home. He has been there ever since the 4th grade. When he was a small baby his dad did drugs and would beat his mom for money. He beat her so many times the mom had serious brain damage. Brother Zhang didn't start going to school until the 4th grade so he still can't really read Chinese. I can actually read a lot more than he can. It is super sad. This kid's life has been extremely hard. But he is still so happy. Knowing his background, testifying of God's love for him and Christ's Atonement has so much more meaning. This kid is going to be brought into the Church and be wrapped in this wards loving arms. I'm super stoked. He such a sweet kid and the Gospel is going to help him so much. Please pray for this guy.
> I know the message that I'm sharing to the people of Taiwan is true. I know we have a loving Father in Heaven who listens and answers our prayers. I know that Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.
> I love you all so much!
> Love,
> Elder Relyea

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