Wednesday, March 26, 2014

February 9, 2014

What UP!

Last week I forgot to tell you everything that happened during the Chinese New Year. It was crazy. We ate so much food. We had members feeding us everyday of the week. Saved a lot of money. :) It is weird, every year during Guonian I seem to have some sort of bike problems. Last year my handlebars broke in half and this year my basket broke off... while I was riding. I'll tell you the story.

So, my District Leader Elder Kunz asked me to bring a 10 pound weight to district meeting for some reason. He never told me why, so I slap that guy in my basket. My basket is in front of my handle bars and is attached to my front wheel. There were two hooks on the basket that went over the handlebars to keep the basket from falling off but one of the hooks was already broken. But, I thought it would be fine. So, Tuesday comes, we are riding to the Chapel for District Meeting, we are riding pretty fast cause we don't want to be late. There was a car in front of us that was slowing down so my companion passed him, as I was passing him my basket breaks and since it was still attached to my front wheel it went onto the ground and threw me over my handlebars. Haha. I was fine. Got onto my feet and watched the car that I was passing run over my beautiful Roxanne(my bike). I don't know what this man was thinking. After he ran her over he just drove off. Nice. So I pull her over to the side of the road and some lady was screaming that we have to call the police. My companion comes back and tells me to look at my bum. I look and there is a huge hole where my pocket used to be. Yeah, everyone saw my G's. That was embarrassing. Then the fuzz show up and we have to tell them everything that happened then they tell me we have to go to the Police station and tell them again what happened. We did that, but nothing came out of it. There are two things I'm really sad about. 1. My favorite pants now have a huge hole in them. 2. Roxanne is dead. The gears in the back went into the spokes so the wheel can't turn at all.

I fell over again this past week.

I was getting into the shower and it was super slippery. I slipped and hit my head on the back of the tub and my ribs on the side of the tub. Hahaha. It hurt way bad. But thinking about me slipping naked makes me laugh everytime.

We were riding somewhere the other day and there was this man walking with two canes. We stopped to talk to him and right off the bat he told me I look like a paper man. That I have no muscle. He said, "next time I see you I want you to have more muscle." And he said this all in English which made it a lot better.

We are teaching this Ding Family. And they are so COOL. The whole family has interest in the Gospel. They have no Christian background but the son knows tons about the Bible and Jesus Christ. We were teaching them the other day about Baptism and Eternal Families. And it is like something clicked in my head. As we were talking about how our families can be together for eternity it made perfect sense. God let us have families so we can learn, feel loved, know that we are a part of something. And if we came down to this earth and lived with our families for as long as we do just so we could be separated when it is all over is completely contradictory. And simply we would be wasting our time here. When we spend so much time serving, loving, and building relationships with these people I know it has a purpose. We are here for a reason. I'm so happy that Heavenly Father let me have that experience so I could understand a little bit better why He gave us the beautiful gift of families. I am so grateful for my family and everything that they do for me. I am especially grateful for my Father in Heaven who prepared a perfect plan for us to return back to Him. So we can live in perfect peace and happiness with the people that we love the most.

I love this Gospel. I set a goal this week to study the life of the Savior everyday. I want to grow closer to Him. I know when we are close to our Savior we will feel His love. We will know He is proud of us and what we are doing. I am so grateful I have this opportunity to represent Him here in Taiwan. To spread the joy of His Gospel to my Brother's and Sister's here. I love my LIFE!

I hope you all can feel the love of our Savior. I love you all!

Elder Relyea

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