Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 23, 2014

"For the beauty of each hour, of the day and of the night."‏

> Time is flying faster than any other time in my entire life. It is nuts. This past week was really good. We met with Eliza three times! Haha. Everytime is so good. This week we gave her a conference edition of the Liahona and she looks at the inside and says, "this is the work of God." YES! We met with her yesterday and shared with her the Word of Wisdom, Prophets, and Fasting. She is already fully keeping the Word of Wisdom. She even wakes up early, goes to bed early, exercises daily, and hardly eats any meat. Haha. Our member that was there said, "she is keeping the word of wisdom better than I am." She is the most prepared person I have ever met. When we shared with her about fasting she told us about when she was working in the Middle east how her and her friend fasted for an entire month.... And they would only drink a little water a day. What. So yesterday for part of our lesson we asked if we could fast with her so her boss will let her come to Church and so her husband will let her be baptized. She asked how long we would be fasting for, when we told her it was two meals she says under her breath, "Oh, that is too easy." Haha. Please pray for this woman's husband to soften his heart and let her be baptized and for a way she can come to Church. If Eliza isn't Baptized while I am here, I don't mind. Because she is truly converted. She knows that our Church is God's one and only true church on the earth today. And that is what truly matters. I know if she could she would be at Church every single week. She is already keeping all of the commandments that we taught her. It is just her husband and work that is holding her back from being baptized. Keep her in your prayers!
> Other than Eliza this past week I went on X-changes with an Elder Nasman. He is from Finland and he is the man. He owned his own modeling company before the mission. He was super rich. Cool guy.
> This past week we also had Specialized Training. Which means we are trained by President Day for an entire day. From 9 in the morning to 4 p.m. Super long, but you learn a ton. After the meeting President Day told my companion and I that our Zone would lose a lot of it's companionship's and that it would be combined with the Xinzhu zone. And that one of us would move and one would stay when the transfer is over..... He thanked us for everything we have done as Zone Leaders and told us that we did a great job. What I'm hoping will happen is my companion will move(he has already been here for 6 months), and I become just a normal Senior companion. So I can really focus on helping the area and the members here in Zhunan. I really love this area so much and the members here are so good to us.
> So weird that I only have a little bit of time left... I am so grateful for the time that Heavenly Father has given me to serve Him and His children here in Taiwan. I read the talk, "Mountains to Climb" by President Eyring this past week and he talks all about the foundation of Faith being embedded in our hearts. He says, "If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts the power to endure will crumble." Then he tell us how we build the foundation. He says, "it is serving God and others with full heart that turns our faith into a solid foundation." Something like that. I love that talk so much. You can go read it. But, serving others is truly how we gain our faith!
> I love this work and this Gospel. I know it is true.
> I love you all so much. Have the greatest week of your life.
> Love, 
> Elder Relyea

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