Tuesday, November 5, 2013

September 15, 2013

Everyone that I love,
This week was so great! SO awesome. Wu Zheng Wei will be baptized in two weeks! He has his baptismal interview this week! I am so grateful I got to be a part in this kids conversion into the Gospel. He has a heart of Gold and is so smart.
We haven't seen the Rong family in two weeks!....... I'm a bit scared because we haven't seen them for so long. BUT, we will see them this week! For sure. No worries. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Right?
This past week I got to go on exchanges with Elder Mattsson who is my homie from the MTC. We came on together and we saw so many miracles! We gave out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon in one night. It was awesome. We met this couple at their house and they gave us a crazy amout of fruit. 3 grapefruits, 3 star fruits, and I think 5 dragon fruit. That was awesome, then we ride past this guys house, I see him on the computer so we go knock on his door and I offer him some fruit. His heart was softened with some dragon fruit. He let us in and we had an awesome lesson with him on prayer and gratitude. He was a cool guy, but he already told us he doesn't want to meet with us anymore. Crap.
My companion and I have been riding farther and farther away from Yuli. So we've been making our own lunches. Been really into tuna sandwiches lately. It is awesome. The other day we rode to a place called Lehe. We get on our bikes to ride back and my front tire was completely flat. Haha. We had to walk back to Yuli. It was only like a 25 minute walk. So no worries. We ate our tuna sandwiches as we walked.
I love Yuli more and more everyday! If I died here I would die a happy man. My companion and I are straight up besties. We've started a band called, "Earth Melon." We're gonna be huge.
I love this Gospel and missionary work. I am humbled everyday to be in such a beautiful area with the most beautiful people. I love you all!

Love, Elder Relyea
1: Zheng Wei and I.
2:Elder Wright and I
3:Ye Zhanglao

September 2 2013

Hello people that I love,

I didn't move! And I couldn't be happier. I am breaking again. Which means I am with an Elder who just finished training. This is my second time breaking and let me tell you, it is going to be a lot smoother than the first time. I am with an Elder Wright from Provo Utah. And actually my good friend, Elder Hodges was his trainer. Elder Wright is a great man. Super humble and stoked on missionary work. The time that we have together is going to be CRAZY good. We are going to see so much success! I am full of gratitude and so psyched to see what the Lord has in store for us.
We are still meeting with our homie Wu Zheng Wei and he is just sprinting down the road to baptism! He came to Church again with us yesterday and loved it! This kid looks like he is completely hating Church, doesn't speak the entire time. But we meet with him after and he says he really enjoyed it... Probably has to do with he is the shyest kid ever born. But, no worries. This kid is the best. We are really going to help him receive his own testimony of the Gospel before he is baptized. Help him build his foundation in Christ! Then he will never fall. I love this kid so much.
We are also still helping the Rong family prepare for baptism. We met with them on Tuesday and shared the 10 commandments and the Law of Chastity. They are the most willing and humble people! Any invitation or commandment we tell them they are so willing to keep it. It is amazing. They didn't come to Church yesterday, which means they won't make their date on the 28th because the whole family hasn't been to Church yet. But it is okay. They will be baptized while I am in Yuli. I know it.
That is pretty much it. We are working with some other investigators and less-actives, helping them progress. Helping these less-actives find their testimony again! It is great. Two weeks ago we had 3 less-actives at church. And that is huge for Yuli. Pretty cool.

I love this place. On Sundae I bore my testimony of how grateful I am Heavenly Father let me come to Taiwan to surf my mission, especially Yuli. Since Elder Wright was trained in the City, on the way down here he was freakin' out. He said he has never seen anything so beautiful. It really helped me remember how lucky I am to be here. I love this Gospel and I know it is true. I also love you all. Have a great week!

Love, Elder Relyea

Friday, August 30, 2013

August 25, 2013

Hello my wonderful family and homiez!
This week was so incredible. We saw so so many miracles. THE RONG FAMILY CAME TO CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHH! They are going to make their baptismal date in the end of September! I know it. Pray for them. So they can quit their problems with the Word of Wisdom. We are going over tonight to make a plan with them so they can quit. I love this family so much. They are so good. So ready for the Gospel to bless their lives!
Our other new investigator Wu Zheng Wei also came to Church with us. In the morning before Church we went to his house, woke him up, and rode bikes with him to Church. It was awesome. And he loved Church! Let me tell you how we met him and what happened when we first met him.
Friday night we had planned to go over to Rong Family's house. But the Dad had to work overtime. So we just had time to find. But, two weeks ago we met Wu Zheng Wei's little brother on the street and had a lesson with him. We set up a time but I knew he wasn't going to come, so I asked him for his address. Which was full on inspiration from the Spirit because I never ask people for their addresses right off the bat. So his little brother never came when we set up with him, so we went to his house and we ended up meeting his mom. Who is a total sweetheart and is from Indonesia. I love Indonesian people with my whole heart. They are the nicest, happiest people. His mom is a very shy, quiet woman. But super nice. So, after Rong family said they can't meet with us I had to idea to go visit Sophia(Wu Zheng Wei's mom). We go to his house, knock on his door and he comes out. At this time we had never seen him before. We start chatting with him and we end up having a lesson with him right there. While talking with him, I asked him if his dad lives there as well. He told us his dad passed away two years ago. We taught him how to pray and about Heavenly Father. As I was teaching him how we have a loving Father in Heaven, I felt the Spirit very strong. I felt the love that Heavenly Father has for this kid. As I was telling him about Heavenly Father's love for him he started to cry. The Spirit was so strong. I have never had such a special first meeting. I know God has prepared him and his family to receive the Gospel. They need our help. I am so grateful the Spirit led us to this beautiful family.

I love this work with my whole heart. Transfers are this next week. I really really don't want to move. I love Yuli. But, If I do move, I know it is what needs to happen. This is the Lord's work. He is leading it. 

I love you all! 

Love, Elder Relyea

August 18, 2013

Hello my beautiful family!
This past week was so good! This last week on Tuesday we had a mission wide fast. The fast was for missionary work. That we can see more baptisms and more new investigators. My companion and I forgot to start our fast after dinner, so we started at about 9 at night. So the next day we literally ate nothing. I've never done this kind of fast before... But it was awesome. We forgot ourselves and went to work. That night we found 3 new investigators and taught 5 lessons. It was amazing. It was just like Alma and his brethren when they are preaching to the Zoramites. The Lord gave us strength! It strengthened my testimony of this work and the power of prayer and fasting. I'm sorry, I have no time to write more. We are going to Taidong today! I'm STOKED! Going home. :)

I love you all! And I love this work!

Love, Elder Relyea

August 11, 2013

This past week was great. Saw tons of Chee-G's! Aka miracles. By the time Saturday came around we still hadn't found any new investies.... So, on Saturday we decided to bike to Zhuole and find the guys we found a couple weeks ago. We bike all the way there, get to their house and they aren't home... But as we are leaving their house this guy on a scoot pulls up. We are getting our bikes ready to leave to go eat lunch, but we decided to go talk to the guy who just pulled up. So, we go make friends with him. He is actually the little brother of one of the guys we met a few weeks ago! Nice. We were able to share with him about the Book of Mormon, prayer, and Tianfu(Heavenly Father)! He is already Christian so it was like a refresher. At the end of the lesson we invited him to pray. He said a great prayer. After he said he hadn't prayed in about 5 years. Miracle number one. Miracle number two: We made lunches to eat there because there is literally no place to buy food there. Haha. After we ate we were planning where we were going to go first when this guy comes flying down road we were on. I yell to him, "Can I give you something?!" He turns around and we start talking to him. He is a college student who lives pretty high in the mountains. He told us he is Catholic. We introduce the Book of Mormon and tell him how when we read the Bible and the Book of Mormon together we can more clearly understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was all for it. He was chewing bettle nut. This plant that they chew here that is red and nasty. It is like chewing tobacco? I'm guessing. Everyone loves it here. He started chewing it in elementary school. So crazy. But this kid was so good. We are going back to Zhuole this week to find our friends we found last week! The Lord is preparing these people!
We had such a sweet experience with the Rong family this week. I already wrote President about it. I'ma copy and paste.
This past week we saw a huge miracle with them though. We have been meaning to teach them the Word of Wisdom for a couple weeks now and every time we go to visit them either the whole family isn't there or something has come up. But this past week we were able to share with them the Word of Wisdom. It was the most special time I have shared the Word of Wisdom on my mission. They are Aborigine, so the dad pretty much does it all. Smokes, drinks, chews binlang, ect... So, sharing this commandment with them was a big deal. We went into the lesson knowing we needed to rely on the Spirit to help us know what to say to help them understand this commandment. As we went in there with humble hearts, open to the Spirit, the entire Rong family committed to living the Word of Wisdom. As we were teaching and testifying I felt the Spirit so strong. I could feel the Spirit testify through me, promising them blessings. That as the whole family keeps this commandment they will be blessed with more unity, harmony, and love in the home. It was a really cool experience. I know Heavenly Father helped them prepare to hear the Word of Wisdom. And we had been praying like crazy that Rong Dixiong's heart would be willing to accept. And he was. That is a testimony to me of the power of prayer. Heavenly Father hears our prayers. And I know He is preparing these people!
Yeah, so miracles left and right! This past week was really good. I love missionary work. I still can't belive how fast time is flying. I feel like yesterday I was writing e-mails. It is nuts. Last P-day we went to this music store to get two guitars fixed. One is the Sisters and one is a guitar that Elder Graves gave to me. Fo free! Niiiiice! We get to this music store and in the back I see some drums... I was a little hesitant to ask the boss if I could play them. But then I asked and he totally let me. It was awesome. So much fun. THEN, we found this less active Brother Huang. And across from his house is this house shack thing and inside it also has a drum set. When we were talking to Brother Huang I asked him whos drums they were. He said they are his. But no one ever plays them. They just sit there. I asked him if we could come play them today. He agreed. We're going over today. :) Super Stoked.
Alright, I love you all. The Church is true. God loves all of us. He is watching over us every single day! We can talk to him whenever we want. I know when we do He is a happy man. Have the best week ever!
Elder Relyea

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 4 2013

Hello beautiful people!

This past week was so great! It is so fetching hot here. I'm literally sweating all the time. I'm sweating right now. But it is all good. I enjoy the heat. I'd rather be scorching hot than freezing cold. So it is nice.

We surfed like crazy this past week! We painted a sister's entire house! Which sounds like a lot, but her house is tiny. It only took a few hours. She was so grateful for our service. She is a sweetheart, widow who is about 75. Yang Mama. She is great. And we got to pull a Sister Shi's weeds. It was awesome. I got to cut down two trees with a small axe thing and cut these plants with giant leaves on them. It was awesome. Got rid of a ton of stress. Haha. I love surfing with my whole heart.

This work is so great! I love it so much. Getting home at night and being so tired, it is a good feeling. I love YULI! The work is moving forward here! I love you all!

Elder Relyea

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"When you feel like an ocean warmed by the sun."

Waaaa. This week was so. Good. I got to go to my home! TAIDONG! For exchanges. The morning there we went to this breakfast place because some members were buying us some breakfast. And I heard "Simple Song." I was so happy. It was stuck in my head for 3 days afterwards. :)

So my companion is a crazy track runner. So we've been running pretty quick. This week we set a goal to run a mile under 6 minutes. His groin was hurting on Saturday so only I could run... I ran a 5:49. Yeah, my body has never felt so tired in it's life. But it was a really good time. Running the last little bit, by entire body felt numb. It was nuts. Pretty fun.

My investigator in Wanda, Zeng Rui Sen aka Reasen was baptized on the 11th!!! So sweet! He sent me the pictures. So stoked for him.

This past week we were blessed with so many new investigators. We found 7. Which is a lot. On Saturday we found 3. All in different places. The Spirit led us to these miracles! And I was actually able to use skateboarding to find one of them. I'll tell you the story next week. I'm out of time.

I love you all and hope you have the best week.

Love, Elder Relyea

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 7,2013

Hello people that I love! Wa! This past week was nuts. Last Monday took a train for 4 and a half hours to Taibei to get my new companion. At 4:40 we had to catch a train back to Yuli and we would get here at 9. So we leave the mission office at around 4, because we still have to take the metro to the Taibei main station. So we're on the metro and it is getting super close to 4:40and I'm starting to get a bit nervous. So we're running through the Taibei main station trying to get on to our train. We get to our platform and I see a stopped train, so I run over to it and slam the door open. Then a lady screams at me, "that train is getting fixed!" So we run to the other side of the platform as we see our train pull away. Haha. I was so sad. So we went and tried to switch our tickets, but we didn't have to. Another train was coming in about 20 minutes to Yuli. But we didn't have any seats on that train. So the whole time, felt super homeless walking up and down the train searching for empty seats. Haha. BUT, we saw such a sweet miracle! As we were getting pretty close to Yuli we were standing in a more open area(next to the bathroom) and we meet this kid named Scotty. This kid is awesome. He is aborigone and he's English is supah fresh. So we talk to him all the way till Yuli. We were able to have a lesson with him right there on the train. Taught him all about the Book of Mormon. He was already a Christian so he was super willing. One of the coolest parts was after we got to Yuli we met his parents and they loved us. I told them how awesome their son is and how fluent his English is. They loved that. They live in Taidong missionaries area. They will go visit him for sure. AND, he surfs. Nice.

My new companion's name is Elder Bastian. He is the man. He runs track. In high school he ran a 4:14 mile. WHAT?! So nuts. We run a mile in the mornings and it is more than double that time. Haha. He is from a suburb of Seattle. His family is huge. 7 kids. And he is the second youngest. His youngest sibling is 16, oldest is 33. Crazy. I admire his parents. They are probably crazy healthy. Yeah, Elder Bastian is great. We are already homies.

This past week litterally had almost no time to do missionary work in Yuli. Wednesday night went to Hualian because Thursday and Friday we had a missionary leader training meeting in Taibei. It was awesome. Learned so much. And got to hang out with some of my besties in the mission! Elder Chatman, Hodges, Mattsson. It was good. Friday went back to Hualian, then Saturday finally got back to Yuli. It was a crazy week, but I learned a ton.

Saturday night the Sister's had a baptism. Two little girls, sisters got baptized. They chose me to baptize them. I was honorned. When the older Sister was doing her testimony she said, "I am so grateful Elder Ye could baptize me." Wa. Melt my freaking heart. It was a great night. And our family that we are teaching the Rong Family all came!!! It was the first time the parents have actually come to the Chapel. So huge progress. They will all be baptized. They all have baptismal dates(4 of them), but we're gonna help the kids get baptized first. Most likely in July. I'm stoked.

I love this work. I know it is true. This is truly the Lord's work. This is the only thing I would want to be doing right now. Spreading this beautiful Gospel to the most beautiful people. I am so blessed. Thank you for your support and love.

Love you all.

Elder Relyea 

1. The two little girls
2. Yuli branch!

Monday, July 1, 2013

June 23, 2013

Hello my beautiful Famaree!!!

I love Yuli more and more everyday. We had some crazy changes in the Branch Presidency this week. Our Branch President, President Singletary was released. Our new President is a Brother Chen Dong Jia. He'll do a great job. He is a man among men. And a sweetheart.

This weekend our Mission President, President Day came down to Yuli. Saturday we went out and visited a part member family with him. It was really cool to see how much love he has for these people. Then we had Branch Council, ate dinner, then had a BAPTISM!!! Our investigator Huang Guan Cong was baptized. He was so prepared. He is a 17 year-old junior in High School. Super shy. Super creative. Loves photography, drawing, playing the violin. He is such a great kid. His testimony after his baptism he told everyone how he already has a goal to serve a mission and help 9 people get baptized. Nice. Already setting goals.

When he was baptized it was pretty nuts. Our old Branch President, President Singletary did the baptizing. He had surgery on his right shoulder not too long ago, and he was super scared once he went down he wouldn't be able to help Huang Guan Cong back up. So President Singletary dunked him so fast. He didn't even have time to plug his nose and water splashed everywhere. Brother Huang came up coughing... But he was still happy. He has been waiting to be baptized ever since he met with my companion a couple months ago. Which isn't that long, but it felt long for him. He was so stoked to finally get baptized.

Other than that this week was pretty normal. I got to go to my Home again! TaiDONG! I love that place with my whole heart. Everytime I go back it is Nestalgia 07'. It is great.

I love this work. This week I read a sweet talk on Grace. The Savior's Grace. Such a cool topic. I think my whole life I will continue learning about grace. It is by Brad Wilcox. Look it up. It's sweet.

Well, my friendz, this work is true. I love riding my bike in Yuli. It is all mountains, rice fields, beautiful clouds, and STARS. There is literally no where I would rather be. And these people are the greatest. So full of love and light.

Thank you all for your support and love! Have the best week of your lives.  

June 16 2013

Hello my beautiful family,
I love this area more and more as the time goes on. It is full of prepared people! This week we worked really hard. It was truly a great week. We saw so many miracles. And I got to go to my home!
My home is Taidong! I went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and we were in Taidong! It was so cool. It felt like I never left. I hope someday I can so back and serve there.
Well, I don't have a lot to say today. Besides I love you all! The Church is so true. Heavenly Father loves us. Christ loves us. I love what I am doing right now. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.
Happy Father's Day!!!
Love, Elder Relyea

June 30 2013

Dear my beautiful family,
Well, this past week was crazy. Definitely one of the most tired weeks of my mission/life. In the best way. So, last Sundae President Day was at our Branch in Yuli and he takes me to the side and tells me my companion is going to be his next Assistant. So, right now I am actually in Taibei dropping him off at the Mission office. This means I will be the new District Leader. And I get my new companion today. It is going to be super different, but it is going to be great. I'm looking forward to the things that are happening in Yuli.
I forgot to tell you, we have a new convert in Yuli. His name is Zhang Yu Fan, English name: Neville. He is the only kid in Yuli and any neighboring town who skateboards. Nice. And two weeks ago we were waiting for his Mom to come pick him up in front of the Church. He was trying to do a kickflip, but not even getting close. So... I had to show him how do it. Haha. It was super fun. I couldn't land a tre-flip though. The leather shoes aren't the best for skateboarding. Then a on Wednesday we went to Ruisui(a smaller town by Yuli) to visit a Sister Yang. While we were waiting for the Sisters to come we were standing on a three foot tall concrete wall. I said, "I could do a backflip off of this." Elder Tay didn't believe me. And he thought I would get hurt. So I did it. Then he knew. Those were my foolish-non-missionary activities that have been going on lately. Haha.
But this past week, literally have worked harder and been out in the sun than any other time on my mission. Every single night, I am so grateful for my bed and air conditioning. Yuli is so flippin' hot. I am sweating all the time. But, Yuli is honestly the most beautiful place in the mission. On Saturday we got to go hiking for a Branch activity. It was so nice. And actually this hike, I've hiked before when I was in Taidong, we came up and hiked it. Wow, that English is so bad. Haha. Forgive my poor English.
This past week we got to serve a Sister Shi(Sure). We went to her house without her knowing and pulled weeds for an hour. I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. Some of the weeds are just grass, so it was like we were mowing her lawn with our hands. haha. But it was so great. I LOVE SERVICE! Seriously, so much.
Working in Yuli without Elder Tay will be very different. I'm hoping I can continue the momentum that he has already started there. Because Yuli has already progressed so much. I just hope I can help it to continue to grow.
I love this work. Lately I have been reading a ton from the Teachings of the Prophets. Learning tons about our Prophets. They are so cool. Before the mission I would not have touched those books. haha. I love being a missionary. This work truly is the Lord's work. I know He is helping me everyday. I know if I do the things I need to do, I will have the Spirit with me. The Spirit is SO important in this work.
I love you all. The Church is TRUE! PEACE!
Elder Relyea

The last picture is our family investigator's! They are the greatest. They are the Rong Family. So good. Look at them all holding their Book's of Mormon.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19 2013

What is up beautiful people!? Remember when I saw all of your beautiful faces last week?!?! That was the greatest. I'm more awkward, huh? Yeah. Well... It is inevitable. Ah, seriously so good to see you all. It is crazy on your mission how much your love for your family grows. I had no idea I loved you all that much. Haha. Just kidding. I did. You just realize it more on the mission. I fully realize I have the coolest family in the world.
This past week was awesome! We are just helping our 7 baptismal date ivestigators learn the GOSPEL! It is great. 2 of our investigators stopped meeting with us. Aka stopped answering our calls. Which I'm super bummed about. They were the bees knees. But we set two new dates this past week! YEAH! One is Fang Ting and the other is Chen Chang Fu. Both super cool. Chen Chang Fu told us he still wants to drink coffee and tea and continue having pre-marital seh. But, he'll get through it. I know he will.
I love this work more and more everyday. Last night we were visiting a Huang Family and I was telling them this time is the most tired time of my life but it also is the happiest. That is straight up truth. I love this Gospel with my whole heart.
I love you all. Have a beautiful week. I'll pray for you. :)
Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5th 2013

This week was the bees knees! It was actually super nuts. But so much fun. This thursday during WPS(4 hour planning session), the Elder who takes care of all the apartment stuff calls us and says, "pack all of your things. You are moving today." Haha. We packed not only our stuff but everything in our apartment in 3 hours. It was crazy. But now we live with 2 other Elders. They are our Zone leaders. They are both awesome. We have a new friend in our apartment. He is a huge rat that lives in our ceiling. His claws scrap the concrete as he runs back and forth all day and night. He is quick little duffer. I'll give him a name this week.

We have been seeing so many miracles lately. So many part-member families that want their families to be together forever so we teach the non-members! Yesterday we started teaching a less-actives son and this week we also started teaching a less-actives husband. NICE! They are both great.

Last night we had the new member/investigator fireside. It was great. Two of our investigators came. One is Brother Yan and the other is Reasen. A huge miracle happened with Reasen this week. He works at a hotel and Sundae is his busiest day. This week we met with him and taught him the Sabbath. We invited him to talk to his boss to see if he could at least get one hour off of work to come to Church. He talked to his boss and........ Starting in June he will start having Sundae's off!!! I'm not sure if it is every Sundae but he will be baptized in June! YEAH! He is so prepared. He loves the Book of Mormon. He is the man.

The Church is true. I'm so glad everyday I get to tell the people of Taiwan we have a loving Father in Heaven who wants to help them succeed. I feel of His love as I help these people. Missionary work is the greatest. We have 5 investigators with baptismal dates now. So we will be super busy this week and i'm STOKED! I love you all with my whole heart.

I will see your beautiful faces next week on skypee!!!! YEAHHHHHH!!! Probably around this time. Love you ALL!

Love, Elder Relyea

April 28th

Hello beautiful people!

This morning, 5:18, riding to the Internet Cafe I could see the mountains! It was refreshing. I for real need to go hiking. I feel like I've been in Taibei for my whole life. But, I still love it. This past week so many awesome things happened.

On Monday we went to the Zoo! It was pretty great. I still feel way bad for all the animals... But it was pretty fun. Tuesday night we saw a sweet miracle! I turned off a main road to go find a place to pray to start finding. Before we said the prayer there was this Tongxue(student) walking right by us. I started talking to him. Turns out he's been to a Christian Church before! Nice. We taught him an awesome lesson on prayer and the Book of Mormon. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was stoked! We set up for Sundae(yesterday). Yesterday I called him before our set up time and he told me he was going to bring his mom and little brother to the Chapel to meet with us. I was STOKED! We go to the Chapel and... he never came. I was bummed. O still have faith in him! But we got to meet with a guy named Daniel("Daniel my brother, you are older than me. Do you still feel the pain"). This Daniel is always chillin' at the Chapel because he doesn't really have any friends or any place to be. We're homiez. Yesterday we taught him all about the Restoration. It was a good time.

On Wednesday morning we did a puppet show for an elementary school about Alcohol prevention. I was the Drunk. haha. It was fun. That day we met a crazy man on the street. He was from Portugal and the first thing he said to us was, "let's talk." Then he started telling us how much he hates America and how he goes to Thailand for the prosties. Yeah, that was an experience. I think that is the first time my companion has ever heard anything like that in his life.

Thursday was my year mark!!! Soooooooooooo weird. Time is not real. This literally has been the fastest year of my life. And I know this next one will go even quicker. It was a great year anniversary. Had brownies and vegetarian food for lunch. Then for dinner got chinke'd(free dinner. A Sister Wang bought our dinner)! Then Sister Day gave us more brownies. It was awesome.

I straight up feel like an old missionary. All new missionaries in our zone are super young. Weird thing is, I'm not even that old yet. I'm still a youngling too!

Alright, I've gotta go buy my zaocan(B-fast). I love you all with my whole heart. I will see your beautiful faces soon on the Skypee(how asians say skype).

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21 2013

Hello people that I love.

This past week was great. So much happened. Two investigators we found are so SICK! One set a baptismal date and the other we are meeting with on Wednesday. I have great faith in both of them. The one who set the date is Victor. He is going to Australia in July. He'll get baptized here then go and hang out with Chris for a while. He was so stoked when I told him one of my best friends lives in Sydney. And the other one is Wang Yong Ming. When we met on the street we talked for at least an hour. He is the MAN! All he wants in life is true happiness. I was able to bear my testimony that this Gospel has given me the most happiness. He said he could feel my happiness. He also said my face has the wisdom of a 30 year old. haha. Nice.

I might move this week on Friday. We find out if we move on Wednesday then Friday we find out where we're going then move. I will most likely move because I've been in this area for so long. I've been here for 6 months. Literally half of my mission, including the MTC.

Last night we met with Brother Chen(Sugar Daddy), in his closing prayer he started crying. It broke my heart. I cried a bit, then in his prayer he blessed that my companion will be louder. Haha. Brother Chen is such a special man. If I move, he will be the person I miss the most. I have so much love for this man. He literally is one of my best friends.

That is pretty much it. I still love missionary work, Taiwan, and Taiwanese people.

I love my Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is light of the World.

Heavenly Father loves us.

I love you all.

Elder Relyea

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I know that it is raining but I think we have to walk.

Hello my sweet famareee!!!

It rained literally every single day last week. It was rough. Not seeing the sun for that long. But then, Monday morning, we wake up to go run. Go outside and it is the most glorious, beautiful day! Never been so happy to feel the rays of sunshine! I ran so far that day. 10 laps(on a tiny track). And it has just been getting warmer and warmer. It is definitely feeling like spring. This week, riding my bike, smelling freshly cut grass. It is nice.

I only have two more minutes to write because we get to go to the Temple today! YEAH! I'm stoked. I hope you all loved Conference as much as I did. Once again it was reaffirmed to me that Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet and he is leading this Church. He holds the keys! I love that man, the First Presidency, and the 12 Apostles all so much! They are the men.

The Church is true. Christ lives. Heavenly Father loves us. I'm so happy I get to tell that to people hear everyday. It is the best!

I love you all.


Elder Relyea

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7th 2013

People that I love, Hello!

This week was good. Tired. But good. Everyday is good. There are good things in every single day. That is what is cool about mission work. Miracles erryday! Yeah!

Everytime I write these e-mails I completely forget what happened the previous week... I apologize. I will write the things I remember.

We found a STUD on monday. His name is Harry. He is a G. He went to a Catholic elementary and junior high, so he already prays. Yeah! We had a great lesson with him on the street. He set up with us for this Friday. I hope this duffer will come. I have found something that happens when we talk to students. They are sick when we find them, we're best friends, then we call them to follow up and either they don't answer or they don't want to meet with us. Makes me sad. Because they need the GOSPEL. But it is all good. Taiwan is full of prepared people.

Right now we are in the spot where all of our best investigators (bestigators) have been baptized... So we're just finding and working with our investies we already have. The ones we already have either have been meeting with us for a super long time or there is no way they can come to Church. It is frustrating sometimes. But, Heavenly Father will help them. No doubt. In my mind.

This past Saturday there was another wedding. Sang again. My voice didn't crack this time. "Just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!"

I love you all with my whole heart. Don't forget it! Thank you for your love and support. Go have the best week of your lives! I hope you all had an awesome Easter and April Foolz.

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31st 2013

Hello my beautiful family!!!

Sky Happy Birthday you beautiful woman! When I tell people here that you are already married they think it is crazy you got married that young. But they don't get married until they are 38. So no worries. You are still super young. You are only as old as you feel. I'm still 14.

This week was so GOOD. My best friend Chen Da Wei was baptized! This literally was the most special baptismal service I have ever attended. I am so full of gratitute that I came to Taiwan and met this beautiful man. You guys will all meet him one day. When he comes to Utah to live at my house. At his baptismal service I was able to baptize him. If he is the only man I get to baptize on my mission, I'm fine with that. So after investigators are baptized, they share the feelings they've had and their testimony. When Brother Chen got up there and shared the feeling he had and his testimony, tears were shed. To say the least. The Spirit was so strong. I know without a doubt, Heavenly Father has been preparing Chen Da Wei to receive the Gospel for his entire life. His faith in our Saviour is already so strong. He knows this Church is His true Church. SO COOL! The Church is so TRUE! I love it.

I know I came to Taiwan to meet this man and to teach him the Gospel. He has strengthened my testimony so much that I am supposed to be here. I know I am here for a specific reason. To meet these beautiful people and help them understand the Gospel. I am so grateful to be here. The Church is TRUE. Thas whats up.

I love you all. More than you know. Keep being you. Because you are the greatest!
Love, Elder Relyea


Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17th 2013

Hello all of those that I love!

Transfers came and I am still chillin' in Wanda!... Sykes. I'm super stoked I didn't move. Now I can see my Sugar Daddy get baptized! YEAH! He will be baptized next week. So stoked for him. And my companion is a Whitey. It is so weird. haha. I have completely gotten used to speaking Chinese all the time. Actually mostly Chinglish. My son and I would speak so much Chinglish.

My new companion is Elder Bromley. He is 6'6 and from Toole, Utah. This is his 3rd transfer... So it is like I'm still training. Haha. But it is GREAT! We've seen crazy miracles already. And more will come! He is a bit shy. But no worries, he is about to break out of his shell. I know it. He is my 5th companion. I've only had one other white companion. haha. So it is new.

This week has been nuts. So good. We truly have seen so many miracles. The Lord is blessing us like crazy. On Friday we taught 5 lessons and found 2 new investigators. I don't know if I've ever taught that many lessons in one day before in this area. So, Elder Bromley's bike hasn't come from his last area yet. We've been walking... So much. I feel those missionaries who don't have bike's pain! For real. Walking is the worst. BUT, since we we're walking so much, we have met so many awesome people! So, in reality, it is a huge blessing. I feel if we did have bikes we definitely would not have met all of the great people we met this week.

On Friday we had such a cool/special experience. Elder Bromley was leading us in finding. Just walking where ever he felt we needed to go. And we ran into the coolest man. His name is Zhuang Zheng Wen. Brother Zhuang is a great man. He is paralyzed and uses a wheelchair. As we started to get to know him and teach him, my companion and I kneeled down on the ground. As we prayed and testified with this sweet man, the spirit was so strong. Brother Zhuang truly has been prepared to hear the Gospel. I believe Elder Bromley was led by the Spirit to the point where we met Brother Zhuang. We are meeting with him this Saturday. And I am STOKED!

I love this work with my whole heart. Everyday I am so tired. But it is the best kind of tired. Sometimes I feel physically exhausted, but spiritually I am ready to go. Heavenly Father blesses his missionaries so much. He is putting prepared people in our path. And I know as we follow the Spirit, we will see miracles. We will help more people come unto Christ and learn this Gospel!

I am Elder Bromley's breaker because I am his first companion other than his Trainer. I'm grateful for Elder Bromley. We will learn and grow so much this transfer.

I love you all with my whole heart. This Gospel is true. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us SO much!!! That is what's up.

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10th


CAI WEI GUO GOT BAPTIZED!!! YEAHHHH! He is such a great man with such a big heart! Yesterday he recieved the Gift of the Holy Ghost and I could not be more stoked for him. Full on love that man.

Lately I have been so happy. A little too happy. This week we find out if we move or not. And if we do we move on Fridee. I have a feeling I will move. I have been in this area for a good 4 months. I have loved this area so much. The ward is crazy awesome, the invesigators here are great, and I have learned and grown so much. This past week I read a talk in the Febuary Liahona about Integrity. It has helped me realize so much. I encourage you ALL to go check it out. It is so great.

Yesterday I ate pig stomach. It wasn't bad. I've realized every part of the pig tastes about the same. Except their heart. Heart just tastes like straight up blood. And ears just taste like ears.

We met with our homie Chen Da Wei yesterday. Aka our Sugar Daddy. He calls us his Sugar Sons. hahaha. He is the best. We have a real connection. He is a person I definitely feel I met in the pre-earth life and promised I would meet here. It is so cool. He will be baptized at the end of this month. Yesterday we taught him the Plan of Salvation. It was my favourite time teaching the Plan of Salvation. He just gets it. He is number one. Hees eyes are number one. Hees hands are number one. Hees laaygs are number one.

I love this Gospel. It is so true. I love being a missionary. I love Taiwan. I love Taiwanese people. I love my Son. I love the Scriptures. I'm so grateful for the Prophet. I love everything about my life right now. Go have the best week ever!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3rd

Hello everyone that I love!

This past week was great. Everyweek is great. Everyday is great. This past week we got to go on exchanges with Elder Thatcher! He came and worked with Elder Weng and I. He is the Assistant the President so he can do what he wants. So stoked we got to go on exchanges, especially because he has two weeks left on his mission! He slept at our house and we were up until 1 chattin up a storm. So weird how fast time is. Doesn't even feel real. I cannot believe Andy is home! Send him my love. This transfer is almost over... Elder Weng and I will most likely separate. :( I will miss this duff. He has taught me so much. I have learned so much from him and we have learned so much together. I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for him in the future. He will for sure be a leader of this mission. He has so many leader attributes. So proud of my Son.

This coming Saturday our good friend Cai Wei Guo will be getting baptized! YEAH! He is the man. This past Saturday he passed his baptismal interview. Then yesterday in Priesthood he was introducing himself and he bore his testimony of why he wants to be baptized. He said he want the Holy Ghost with him at all times. So cool! So happy for him and his decision to follow the Savior.

We have this investigator Chen Da Wei. And he is so sick. He gratuated from Mississippi University so his English is crazy good. A week ago we took him to the Bishop's house for a Family Home Evening. That night he told me all the ladies in America used to call him "Sugar Daddy". hahaha. So now on the phone when I answer sometimes I'll be like, "What's up, Sugar Daddy." Then we laugh. He is the best.

I can't even explain in words how grateful I am that Heavenly Father has allowed me to meet all of these amazing people. He truly has put the most prepared people in our path. Heavenly Father knows what is up. He is helping these wonderful people prepare to accept the Gospel everyday. And if I can just open my mouth and tell everyone about his happy message we will find those who are prepared. I am so grateful for this time. I am so grateful for the Gospel! And the Savior. If the mission has helped me learn anything it is definitely getting to know my Savior. I love Him so much and He loves everyone of us. I also love you all! Have the happiest, greatest week of your lives!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24th

Yooooooo, my best friends! This past week was so good. I love missionary work! Man, for real. It is so good. There is nothing like truly getting lost in the work. Completely forgetting yourself and getting lost in the work of the Lord. Truly being an instrument in His hands. Iss da behhst.

My companion is super funny. Our companionship love grows day by day. This past week we had a bonding experience. He used his electric razor and shaved my leg for me. Hahaha. Definite bonding going on here. This transfer has three more weeks and I do not want to move out of Wanda! For real. As time goes on I love this place, ward, people more and more. And so many miracle are happening!\

In March we are hoping to have 3 baptisms! YEAH! So stoked. A Cai Wei Guo, Chen Da Wei(David), And Chen De Fa. They are all so great! Next week Cai Wei Guo will have his baptismal interview and then the other two will be baptized at the end of the month. You can pray for them to make their baptismal dates! They all have great faith and are so prepared. The Lord truly places prepared people in our path erryday. This is why I love missionary work so much. Following the Spirit, talking to everyone, just spreading this Happy Message to the world. And honestly the Taiwanese people are so prepared. I'm so blessed to be here in Taiwan.

During Guonian we met this Mama. Lin Mama, and this week she set up to do a Temple Tour. She came like 45 minutes early... :/ We got to chat for a while before the Temple Seesters got there. She got personal real fast.. She told me she thinks her husband is cheating on her, and she started to cry... I was able to bear my testimony to her that everyone has different challenges and trials. But no matter what your trials are, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will help her. I told her Heavenly Father has his reasons and that He loves her so much. It was a cool experience. She will be meeting with the Sister missionaries. :)

Well, my companion has been waiting for me for a while now. We gotta go buy our delicious breakfast sandwiches(white bread, apples, raisens, cheese, tons of lettuce, tomatoes, it's delicious). I love you all! For real. Thank you all for your love. I feel it every single day! This Gospel is true! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and love us so much! Never forget it!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, February 10, 2013

GUONIAN!! February 10th 2013

What up?! Man, Guonian is so crazy. The other night we were on the street and it felt like it was 4 in the morning. No one was out. Everyone was in their houses eating like crazy. So during Guonian member Families feed us a ton. And our first family that fed us gave us............... McDonald's. Haha. Can't remember the last time I ate a Big Mac. That family is super cool though. The Shen Family. Then yesterday a family gave us lunch. So many Dumplings. I swear I ate at least 25 huge guys. Then last night our Bishop fed us. Our Bishop and his wife are so cool.

This week I was riding my bike and my handlebars broke in half. Haha. So I have to stick my brake in my handlebar hole. Haha. People think I'm weird.

Well, that is about all folks. I love you all with my whole heart. I love mission work. Hopefully our good friend Brother Cai will be baptized this month. He is a great man with great faith! So we will see what happens.

Have the best week of your lives! Know I will be eating so much. Everyday. Until I'm sick. It's gonna be a good time.

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, February 3, 2013

GUONIAN February 3rd

What up everyone that I love! Oh Man! It is almost the Chinese New Year and everything is nuts to butts! Literally they don't sleep. Outside our apartment is a super busy street, last night I woke up at 3:40 and I could hear people just chattin' it up. Havin a party. Since it is the New Year there are SO many people in our area. Riding bikes is even more intense than usual. But it is sweet. I realized I love riding my bike in a big city, besides the fact that pretty much all I am breathing in is bus smoke. Can't be good for my lungs, but no warries! I love it.

I have been hearing about Guonian(New Year) ever since I got on the Island. I hear it is a crazy time for missionaries because members just feed you like crazy. So much food. My last companion told me at night you are so full when you wake up in the morning you don't need to eat breakfast. And by the time lunch comes... You still don't want to eat. But you have to. The tradition here for Guonian is if members give you food you must eat it. If you don't it is super disrespectful. And we all know that I can eat a ton... So no worries... :/ I'm a little scared. But, it will just be another sweet adventure. That might involve throwing up. I'm not scared.

Recently we've just been finding as much as possible and helping our investies prepare for Baptism! Yeah! It is sweet. We have one investie named Cai dixiong. He is so cool. He's been a Christian for a long time. He is such a humble man. His right arm doesn't work too well and he is missing probably 4 of his front teeth. He is the man. I'll take a picture with him this week so you can see him. He is so down to learn, come to church, pray, read the Book of Mormon. Yesterday we taught him the Plan of Salvation and it was so great. He is so willing to accept and to learn.

Last night we had a Fireside. We had 2 investies come and one Potential who set up for tomorrow. Stoked! And yesterday i got to see my Homie Daniel, who lives in Hualian. He came up for the Fireside. He leaves on his mission in March. He is going to Taizhong! Elder Croft could train him! Sick!

I love missionary work with my whole heart. I know this is the Lord's work. I love going out everyday and telling everyone about the Gospel. I love meeting these people and seeing them change their lives, making their lives better through the Gospel. I love it! There is nothing better. I love you all with my whole heart!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, January 27, 2013

6th transfy--January 27

What up my best friendzzz?! I cannot believe I've been on this island for 7 months. Time is not a real thing. I know I've said that like ten times, but go on a mission and you will know what I mean. Last night we met a sweet heart lady on the MRT(Taiwan's subway). She guessed how long I had been here... She said 4 years. Close. 7 months. Haha. She asked why I can speak Chinese. Everytime someone asks me this question I just say, "God's help." I tell them how every single day I ask Heavenly Father to help me learn Chinese. Then I can teach them about prayer. So cool. I love this work.

Everyday we meet so many cool people. Last night, I was chillin at a red light and I started talking to the guy next to me. He was way cool. I asked him if we could talk to him on the side of the road. Turns out he's been to our church before to learn English. His name was Victor William Rock Benson. Haha. He speaks fluent Russian. What. We able to teach him prayer and have a lesson with him right there. So cool. Miracles like this happen erryday. It is so Sick!

At the first of this transfer Elder Weng's foot was hurt. So one day we went to the Hospital and met such an awesome Less active member. Her name is Lin Nai Hua. She is so cool. So we go to her house to visit her, turns out, she has three adorable kids. Two daughters and one son. The son is the youngest. They are 7, 8, and 9 so this past week we started teaching them. They want to be baptized so bad. So we were able to set baptismal dates with them for March 9. They are so good.

Well, I love this work with my whole heart. I love my companion, Taiwan, this Gospel, riding bikes, and everything that I do everyday.

I hope you are all happy and healthy. Have the best week of your lives!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6 2013

Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Whass good?!

This past week was awesome! Every week is awesome. Everyday is awesome. I love bean a missionary. This past week my companion got a cold... So he slept a lot. I also got a lil sick but, I chishoudaodi'ed(endured to the end) and now I'm fine. Thank you mom for those vitamin C guys.

This past week on New Year's Eve I got to go on Exchanges with my MTC companion Elder Norris. Elder Norris is an interesting man... A lot like E'or. He's having a tough time learning the Zhongwen, so I got to lift his spirits. :) It was an awesome exchange. The night time did not at all feel like New Years eve. We were up until like 12:30 chattin it up. Then the next day we were like... It is 2013. What.... So much for the end of the world. I bet some crazy stuff happened in America. On the exchange we met this awesome family in the park. They loved us, they love missionaries, they know what we are doing is awesome, but... They are Taoist. This happens to us at least once a day. Makes me sad. I know this Gospel can help them so much! But, they are still being prepared to hear the Gospel. And they will in their own time.

This past week we got to go to the Temple. I love the Temple so much. So grateful I am in a place where I not only get to go to the Temple but I get to see it every singe day! Heavenly Father loves me so much. He blesses me more than I even know. One of the biggest blessings He has ever given me is letting me come to the promised land of Taiwan. I love Taiwan with my whole heart. I feel like an egg.... White on the outside, yellow on the inside. Lately I've been telling people I am from Taidong. haha. Sometimes they believe me.

"I don't have a lot to say... right now... What's that!?!" I love this work with my whole heart. I love my Savior. Everyday I get to know him more and more and nothing brings more happiness than following our Savior. I love my Father in Heaven. I know this is going to be the fastest, best year of my life. "Life goes pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it." In the words of Sister Uchtdorf, "It's not a race, it's a journey. Enjoy the moment." Sister Uchtdorf knows what is up. Heed to her advice. I love you all. More than you will ever know. Have the best week of your lives.

Love, Elder Relyea