Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hellooooooooo, What uuuuuuuuuup, Famary!

This week has been nuts. So good. CONFERENCE WAS SOOO GOOD! The first session I cried so much. Haha. Such a baby. I was watching it with my friend from Guademala(He's so sick. He speaks perfect Spanish, English, and Chinese), I think he was a little freaked out. He kept looking over at me. Haha. Man, I am so grateful for the leaders of the Church! They are such studs! I love them all so much.

This week I probably had the best day of my mission. I got to go on exchanges with my Zone Leader Elder Wolfgramm. STUD. Seriously, best missionary I've met. I learned so much. We found 4 new investies! Blew my mind. The whole day was comepletely led by the Spirit. Before, I thought people here in Zhunan didn't really like the missionaries, turns out, they do. That was just my negative perspective. But, no worries, I flipped that right upside down! I know being a Christlike missionary is the most important thing. Truly loving these people, when talking to them, giving them all my time and attention. I know that is what the Savior would do. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK! It is so great. Conference reminded me that the Savior spent all his time helping people. If it was service or spreading the Gospel, he was always helping. That is the missionary I want to become. Truly Christlike. I know I am just a instrument in the hands of the Lord! It's awesome!

On my bike I've started making up spiritual songs about missionary work. Haha.

Well, I think that is about it. I ate fried Chicken bum two days ago. Here in Taiwan it's like they forget to take the Chicken's skin off before they cook it. It is super chewy. Mmm.

Alright, Love you all with my whole heart!!!! Hugs and kisses(gay voice).

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7


This week was great. I truly am loving my new area more and more everyday! The members here are so far beyond awesome. And the Bishop is the MAN. There is one Member here named Xu(Shu) Dixiong and he is Dope. He is the number one wii tennis players in Taiwan. haha. So sick. He won 100,000 dollars... Taiwanese dollars. But that is still 3,333.33! Crazy. He is sick. And he can play Tears in Heaven(is that what it's called?) by Eric Clapton. Which is always a plus.

One of my favourite parts of the week: We are standing outside of McDonalds when this lady and her baby girl walk by. I tell her her baby is adorable. She thanks me and walks inside. Then she comes back out and gives me and my companion ice cream cones. What a Sweetheart! Seriously made my day! So nice. The people here in Taiwan have hearts of straight Gold. I love Taiwan ren(people)!!!

So I love being a missionary so much. This week my companion had to go to a training in Taipei so I went to Xinzhu and I was with Two other missionaries. It was weird being in a tri-panionship again. Super weird contacting that way. But it was great. We did so much finding. I met a kid and his English name was Big Head. Haha. He was cool. Everytime we go street contacting we talk to the coolest people. That is why I love being a missionary. We find these awesome people and just invite them to pray with us and make their lives better, happier. I love missionary work.

This weeks English class was awesome. Haha. It was just Nydia and Becky again. We talked about Mexican food, plastic surgery, why girls some girls are insecure. They asked me if I like natural girls or girls that wear tons of make up.. Then I taught them, "Modest is hottest." Haha. I love English class.

Alright I love you all so much. Thank you for being the best people in the world. I love this gospel and Missionary work so much. I'm STOKED to watch Conference this Saturday! Love you all.

Love, Elder Relyea

Monday, October 1, 2012

September 30

Dear people that I love a toooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn!
This week was great. Super good. Here in Zhunan the weather is so different from Taidong. Taidong-so flippin hot or raining. Zhunan- not that hot, always windy. It seriously is so freaking windy here. It's like the Chicago of Taiwan(Haha. Thought of that on my bike the other day. Since my Companion is Taiwanese I've had to start making jokes with myself... I've also been talking to myself on my bike a lot more thanusual lately). This past week I hit my three months on island mark! I've almost been gone for 6 flippn months! What the fangpi?! So weird. Time isn't a real thing.
This week I've really learned a lot. I've been reading in Alma 26. When Ammon is giving a reccount of his adventures, when the Lord tells him to have patience in his afflictions and I will give unto you success. Here in Zhunan as a missionary you need patience. Since everysingle person is Buddist and no one is really willing to listen. My testimony of the Book of Mormon was definitely strengthened this week. I'm so grateful for Ammon and His Brethren. STUDS. Straight up G's.
Wednesday we had English class. Of course I was stoked. It started.... no one was there. Haha. But then two sweethearts came. Nydia and Becky. Pretty much we just chatted the whole time. Haha. The best way to learn is practice right? So if we just speak English the whole time, no worries. It was great. This week I've also eaten some interesting things. Both from pigs. One day I ate Pig heart noodles. They were discusting. They tasted like straight up blood. And remember disecting the pig in Hike School? How that smells? That's a little bit how they tasted. And this week it was the Moon Festival this past week so yesterday everyone was kao-in some rou aka cooking some meat. On Friday we had a BBQ activity with the ward. This is what they barbeque here: Entire fish, sausage, schish-ka-bab, and pig's blood pudding. And I ate all of it. Pigs blood pudding definitely isn't as bad as it sounds. They sell it at all the 7/11's. haha.
Alright you guys. I love mission work. Yesterday I was just riding my bike and I stopped at a red light. Talked to this lady for a minute. She said my Chinese was Excellent! Made my day. :) Yesterday while I was riding my bike(Roxanne) I talked to myself for at least a half an hour in a New Zealand accent. Just narrating what was happening.... Uhhhh. I now know why missionaries come home so weird. I'm going to be so weird when I get home. Haha.
I love you all with my whole XIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For real. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
Ye Zhang Lao

September 23

Hellooooooooooooo everyone!!!
This letter will be super short.... Soddy. This past week was NUTS. So crazy. On Thursday we packed all of our stuff and went to Taipei(a 6 hour train ride). When we got there we got to go to the Temple. It was so nice. I felt rejuvenated. Spritually and physically. I was so happy. That night we slept at President and Sister day's house. EldAH WRIAAGHHHT and I shared a room. We had miget beds. The bed when to his knees. Haha. Then Friday I got to see all my homies from the MTC! they all came to Taipei for move calls! It was so awesome to see them all. They anounced all the trainers and Trainees first and then everyone else....
I got called to Zhunan which is on the West coast. I went from the East coast to the West Coast. haha. I do not belong in Taibei. haha. I love my new companion Elder Lusubudan! He is from Taiwan, Gaoxiong! We speak so much Chinese! He can speak pretty good english though. The ward here is so flippin great. For real. All the members are DOWN to help us. It is so cool.
Change is crazy. But good. I reflect on the words of Garth,
"It's like a new pair of underwear... At first their constrictive, and then they become a part of you!"
I love you all so much. Thank you for your lovin' and support.

Elder Lusubudan! And Youzi susu aka Uncle Grapefruit
Eric and Kevin's baptism!!!!!!!!
Me and Wu dixiong. I love that boy. His undies are nice huh.