Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 4, 2014

Last Famiy Email!!

The time has come. Yesterday giving my final testimony here in Zhunan was a great experience. I have felt so much love from all of the members here. Especially the Bishop's family. We have the same last name, so they say I am one of their kids. Every time they go to Costco they buy us chocolate muffins and they have taken us out to eat so many times. They bought us steak a couple of weeks ago. This ward here seriously has so much potential. It still feels like all the progress that we have seen here in Zhunan is mostly all because of the missionaries. We shared with our mission leader this past week that we have been seeing some real progression here, but it is all because of our efforts and not because of the efforts of the members. This is one huge thing that Taiwan has got to change. The ward relies so heavily on the missionaries for baptisms and bringing less-actives back to church. I just hope from the progression that we've seen already will really inspire them to do more! Because the members here are really so awesome.
> We had a really special experience with prayers being answered. A couple weeks ago we met a Sister Chen. Her name is Mini Chen. She is an Aborigine to Taiwan and she is already Catholic. On Thursday night I had a feeling I should call her. The first time I called it didn't go through. I called again after we were done planning and this time she answered. She was sobbing. She told me she had been praying to have Heavenly Father to send her some comfort. I read with her Alma 26:37. I told her that her Father in Heaven knows and loves her. And because we as missionaries are doing His work He was the one who wanted me to call her. To give her the comfort that she needed. At the end of the phone call she told me that she felt like Heavenly Father really did answer her prayer and that He really does love her.
> This experience strengthens my testimony even more that God will literally send people to help us when we need them. It has happened to me many times in my life and Heavenly Father let me be the instrument in His hands to help one of His daughters this week. What a blessing and privilege it has been to literally be an instrument for good here in Taiwan. To testify to strangers on the street that I know we have an all loving and all knowing Father in Heaven. And a Savior that died for us. So that they can receive a fullness of joy in this life and in the life to come. This week I got pretty frustrated because I felt like every single person we talked to on the street couldn't care less to what we were sharing or what we were saying. Especially one lady, I bore my heart out to this woman of the Savior's atonement and then she just rode away on her scooter. Haha. After that I got pretty bummed, but I think God wanted to teach me an important lesson. He wanted to teach me that no matter what I need to love these people. Even if it seems like they aren't going to care about what we are going to say, that is their choice. All we have to do is our part and Heavenly Father will be proud. Loving those people who don't love us back is the true test.
> I have learned so much with my time here as a missionary. These past two years have been the happiest times of my life. Serving my brothers and sisters here in Taiwan, loving them, has brought so much pure joy to my heart. I know I will miss this place so much.
> The work is going forth here. The Lord is truly hastening His work. I can feel it. And I am so grateful that Heavenly Father let me be a part of this great work. In helping His children come back unto Him. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this Gospel is true. Every part of it. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. His Atonement brings real change of heart and mind. God lives and loves everyone of us.
> I will see you all very soon. For the last time as a full-time missionary, have the most beautiful week. :)
> All of my Love,
> Elder Relyea

April 30, 2014

People that I love,
> SO MANY GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN ZHUNAN!!! Our investigators are actually progressing and coming unto Christ! Elder Gonzalez and I have been working like crazy. Everyday is a blur. We had 4 investigators and 3 less-actives at Church last week!!! This is huge. Two of the less-actives haven't been to Church in over 10 years! One of them hasn't been in probably around twenty years. And now his two kids are our investigators and he brought his kids to Church and they had a great time! His name is Zheng Zhi Hua and his kids are Zheng Yi Hong and Zheng Jing Yun. They had a great time at Church. And I guess that they will be baptized very soon. Probably not while I am here... But that is okay. As long as they get there. :)
> Today we are in Taibei because we came to the Temple. :) I love the Temple so much. After the mission I'm just going to chill in the Celestial room for extended periods of time. I literally cannot believe that I only have one week left of being a missionary. It definitely does not feel real. My feelings are... part of me feels like there is no way that two years could already be over but at the same time I'm feeling like the time is right. I've just got to trust in Heavenly Father's timing. I read a quote once that said, "Faith also means trusting in God's timing." 
> I am completely full of gratitude today. Grateful for many things. A huge one being how grateful I am that I know we have an all knowing and all loving Father in Heaven who is always watching over us. This week I cannot put into words the gratitude I have felt these past few days for our Savior. As I am reading in Jesus the Christ everything He had to go through for us. My mind cannot be wrapped around the things He went through. Talmage words brings our Savior's atonement to life. I know that Jesus Christ lived and died for us. And it is all because of love. His perfect love for Heavenly Father and His perfect love for us. I know He is my Savior and representing Him here in Taiwan has been the greatest thing I have ever done.
> This Gospel is true. This month the mission has been really focusing on The Book of Mormon. An invite that we received was to do Moroni's invite over and over again. As I have been asking Heavenly Father if the book is true, I have been feeling of it's truthfulness every single day. It is amazing. So, right now I can say with zero doubt that I know the Book of Mormon is true. It is the word of God. It will teach us how to have peace and happiness in this life and the next and most importantly it will bring us a greater knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Lately we've been sharing Mosiah 4:12 like it is our day jobs. Look it up. Also look up Alma 37:44. We've been sharing that one a lot too. I'm so grateful for the scriptures and the GOSPEL!
> Alright, I love you all. Have the most beautiful week. I will see you all very soon.
> Love,
> Elder Relyea

April 21, 2014

Hello my beautiful family.

This week was nuts. Brother Dai received the gift of the Holy Ghost! We are getting him stoked on the idea of going on a mission. It would change his life forever. And he isn't doing anything right now, so why not?

We saw such a huge miracle with working with less-actives kids. A couple weeks ago we met with a brother Zheng Zhi Hua and he told us that he would like his kids to have an opportunity to learn the Gospel. Well, we met with them yesterday and they are so GOOD. Their names are Zheng Yi Hong and Zheng Jing Yun. The first one is the older brother. He is my same age and is a senior in College. The younger one is a younger sister. She is 13 and loves Japanese. 

Finding through less-actives is the way to do missionary work! Because we found them and they are now very stable investigators. We know where they live and they actually have real interest in learning about the Church and about Jesus Christ. The coolest part was the Meimei(little sister). When we first got there she didn't say anything. She seemed pretty cold and had no interest in what we were sharing. But towards the middle she shares with us that she has always had interest in Christianity and that she feels out of all the religions Christianity can bring the most happiness! At the end she said she had many questions and as we were meeting with her all of her questions were answered about Christianity. They are so willing and excited to learn about the Gospel. It is so refreshing to teach people who actually want to learn. Who actually have a desire to know about the Gospel. When we invited them to be baptized the Meimei said, "Wo hen xiang." She really wants to be baptized! And the Gege(older brother) was also really willing as well. So very cool. That was such a tender mercy from the Lord and we are so very grateful. And you know what else President Day, this shows that turning our two area's in to one area was completely inspired. Because if our areas weren't put together I probably wouldn't have called Zheng DX and we never would have met with him or his kids. So... it was inspired and God is truly leading this work. He is leading us to His prepared children. Because these kids feel like they are truly prepared to accept the Gospel. And as they come to Church, their dad is coming back at the exact same time! The dad can prepare to receive the Melchezidek priesthood and be a worthy priesthood holder in his house. So many blessings. This Church is true.

That was probably the coolest miracle we saw this past week. But there were many more. On Easter everyone in Taiwan doesn't celebrate Easter and the Ward forgot it was Easter... That was a bummer. I was pretty stoked for some awesome talks on the Savior. But, my companion and I saw a video last week on Mormon.org all about the Savior and because of Him everything is possible. It blew me away. You can all go watch it. Lately I've been reading Jesus the Christ like crazy. This book has changed my life. It has taught me so much about our Savior, everything He did, He taught, and who He really was. I am so grateful for the words of living prophets.

This Church is true. I know it without a shadow of a doubt.

I love this work and I love our brothers and sisters here in Taiwan.

I love you all. Keep it real. I'll see you in less than a month.

Elder Relyea

April 14, 2014

This past week was such an amazing week. Brother Dai, Sister Zhang(the sister's investigator) and an 8 year old boy, Shang Yi Ming were all baptized on Sunday! It was a glorious occasion. Right after listening to the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators of our day give us some serious revelation 3 beautiful souls stepped into the waters of Baptism.

I loved Conference so much! My faith has been strengthened and I feel completely rejuvenated. This Church is TRUE.

Let me tell you a sweet miracle that happened...

We met a potential investigator Sister Mai two weeks ago and she set up a time for Saturday night. Well, Friday night during dinner she calls us out of the blue and says, "can we actually meet tonight at 6?' We said, "Of course we can!" We found a peike super fast and went over to her house. When we first got into her house it was just her. Then she calls down her little brother to come and meet with us as well and before we knew it the mom and dad were sitting and listening as well. The mom asks us, "What differences does your church have with other Christian churches?" Then we shared the entire restoration with them. The mom and the daughter were listening so intently. Looking straight into our eyeballs. The Spirit was so strong as my companion recited the first vision. The mom was impressed that he had it memorized word for word. We then invited them to pray and ask God if the things that we had shared with them were true. They weren't super stoked on the idea of praying by themselves but they said they would try. Sister Mai was very willing to set up another time to meet. 

We have felt that the Spirit has truly been leading us to those who are prepared. As we rely on prayer and stay humble, God will really put those people in our path who are prepared to hear the Gospel. I know that to be true.

I am so grateful for the restoration and that we have the huge blessing of having prophets, seers, and revelators on the earth again. Who love us and desire our salvation. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father trusting us enough to give us His priesthood. I am especially grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. For His life, His Atonement and His Resurrection. My faith has truly been strengthened in Him this past week. I know He lives and loves us. I still have so far to go to really know who He is and everything He has done for me, but I am grateful for Him. I am grateful that Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me represent His beloved Son. To testify of Him every single day has brought indescribable joy and happiness into my life.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is His church and His work.

Have such a beautiful week. Know that I love you and am praying for you. My weeks are few... :( So, I'll see you soon.

All my love,
Elder Relyea

April 7, 2014

This week was such a blur. Literally felt like 5 minutes and it was over. We saw some serious miracles this past week. We had 5 investies at Church! That was a huge miracle. And Brother Hu and his little sister loved church! I talked to them last night and they both said they loved it. They felt the love and I am so stoked! They need the Gospel so badly in their lives. Our friend Brother Dai has his interview for baptism tomorrow and if he passes he will be entering the waters of baptism this SATURDAY! Which is so cool because it is right after we watch Conference. We watch it a week later here because of translation purposes. But, my companion and I get to watch it in English. YES. I'm so stoked for Conference.

Then we had two other Brother Chen's come to church as well. One is Chen Jun Yi and the other is Chen Jun Ting. Jun Yi is a sophomore in college and he is as innocent and a baby lamb. We met with him on Saturday night and we read the introduction to the Book of Mormon with him. My companion asks him, "Brother Chen, what do you think would happen if you read and prayed about the Book of Mormon?" And he said, "A miracle." Haha. It was awesome! He is so right! Receiving a testimony of the Book of Mormon truly is a miracle! He is great.

Awesome things are happening here in Zhunan. We are finding less-actives who want their families who aren't members to hear about the Gospel. Yesterday we met a Brother Zheng Zhi Hua who learned the Gospel and was baptized about 30 years ago who still has faith and wants his son and daughter to learn the Gospel. We are visiting them this next Sundae. :)

The work is truly going forward here in Taiwan and I am so grateful I can be a part of it. I've been reading Jesus the Christ like it's my day job and I learn so much everyday. Something that really stuck with me this past week was the parable of the Prodigal Son. That it doesn't matter where we have been or what we have done, Heavenly Father is so willing and ready to forgive us. To embrace us with His infinite love. I'm so grateful for Jesus the Christ that I can learn more and grow closer to my Savior every single day. Such a huge blessing. I love this Gospel and I love bean a missionary. I will miss it so much when I am not one anymore.

I love you all. Have a beautiful week.:)

Elder Relyea

P.s. I saw Crofty this past week. Haha. My friend Sister Zhong aka Oreo visited us from Taizhong and right when I saw her she slaps her cell phone in my face and I see Crofty! Haha. Got to chat with him for a minute while I ate my dinner. That was nice little trunky surprise. 

Alright, PEACE!