Sunday, January 27, 2013

6th transfy--January 27

What up my best friendzzz?! I cannot believe I've been on this island for 7 months. Time is not a real thing. I know I've said that like ten times, but go on a mission and you will know what I mean. Last night we met a sweet heart lady on the MRT(Taiwan's subway). She guessed how long I had been here... She said 4 years. Close. 7 months. Haha. She asked why I can speak Chinese. Everytime someone asks me this question I just say, "God's help." I tell them how every single day I ask Heavenly Father to help me learn Chinese. Then I can teach them about prayer. So cool. I love this work.

Everyday we meet so many cool people. Last night, I was chillin at a red light and I started talking to the guy next to me. He was way cool. I asked him if we could talk to him on the side of the road. Turns out he's been to our church before to learn English. His name was Victor William Rock Benson. Haha. He speaks fluent Russian. What. We able to teach him prayer and have a lesson with him right there. So cool. Miracles like this happen erryday. It is so Sick!

At the first of this transfer Elder Weng's foot was hurt. So one day we went to the Hospital and met such an awesome Less active member. Her name is Lin Nai Hua. She is so cool. So we go to her house to visit her, turns out, she has three adorable kids. Two daughters and one son. The son is the youngest. They are 7, 8, and 9 so this past week we started teaching them. They want to be baptized so bad. So we were able to set baptismal dates with them for March 9. They are so good.

Well, I love this work with my whole heart. I love my companion, Taiwan, this Gospel, riding bikes, and everything that I do everyday.

I hope you are all happy and healthy. Have the best week of your lives!

Love, Elder Relyea

Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6 2013

Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Whass good?!

This past week was awesome! Every week is awesome. Everyday is awesome. I love bean a missionary. This past week my companion got a cold... So he slept a lot. I also got a lil sick but, I chishoudaodi'ed(endured to the end) and now I'm fine. Thank you mom for those vitamin C guys.

This past week on New Year's Eve I got to go on Exchanges with my MTC companion Elder Norris. Elder Norris is an interesting man... A lot like E'or. He's having a tough time learning the Zhongwen, so I got to lift his spirits. :) It was an awesome exchange. The night time did not at all feel like New Years eve. We were up until like 12:30 chattin it up. Then the next day we were like... It is 2013. What.... So much for the end of the world. I bet some crazy stuff happened in America. On the exchange we met this awesome family in the park. They loved us, they love missionaries, they know what we are doing is awesome, but... They are Taoist. This happens to us at least once a day. Makes me sad. I know this Gospel can help them so much! But, they are still being prepared to hear the Gospel. And they will in their own time.

This past week we got to go to the Temple. I love the Temple so much. So grateful I am in a place where I not only get to go to the Temple but I get to see it every singe day! Heavenly Father loves me so much. He blesses me more than I even know. One of the biggest blessings He has ever given me is letting me come to the promised land of Taiwan. I love Taiwan with my whole heart. I feel like an egg.... White on the outside, yellow on the inside. Lately I've been telling people I am from Taidong. haha. Sometimes they believe me.

"I don't have a lot to say... right now... What's that!?!" I love this work with my whole heart. I love my Savior. Everyday I get to know him more and more and nothing brings more happiness than following our Savior. I love my Father in Heaven. I know this is going to be the fastest, best year of my life. "Life goes pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it." In the words of Sister Uchtdorf, "It's not a race, it's a journey. Enjoy the moment." Sister Uchtdorf knows what is up. Heed to her advice. I love you all. More than you will ever know. Have the best week of your lives.

Love, Elder Relyea