Monday, October 1, 2012

September 30

Dear people that I love a toooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn!
This week was great. Super good. Here in Zhunan the weather is so different from Taidong. Taidong-so flippin hot or raining. Zhunan- not that hot, always windy. It seriously is so freaking windy here. It's like the Chicago of Taiwan(Haha. Thought of that on my bike the other day. Since my Companion is Taiwanese I've had to start making jokes with myself... I've also been talking to myself on my bike a lot more thanusual lately). This past week I hit my three months on island mark! I've almost been gone for 6 flippn months! What the fangpi?! So weird. Time isn't a real thing.
This week I've really learned a lot. I've been reading in Alma 26. When Ammon is giving a reccount of his adventures, when the Lord tells him to have patience in his afflictions and I will give unto you success. Here in Zhunan as a missionary you need patience. Since everysingle person is Buddist and no one is really willing to listen. My testimony of the Book of Mormon was definitely strengthened this week. I'm so grateful for Ammon and His Brethren. STUDS. Straight up G's.
Wednesday we had English class. Of course I was stoked. It started.... no one was there. Haha. But then two sweethearts came. Nydia and Becky. Pretty much we just chatted the whole time. Haha. The best way to learn is practice right? So if we just speak English the whole time, no worries. It was great. This week I've also eaten some interesting things. Both from pigs. One day I ate Pig heart noodles. They were discusting. They tasted like straight up blood. And remember disecting the pig in Hike School? How that smells? That's a little bit how they tasted. And this week it was the Moon Festival this past week so yesterday everyone was kao-in some rou aka cooking some meat. On Friday we had a BBQ activity with the ward. This is what they barbeque here: Entire fish, sausage, schish-ka-bab, and pig's blood pudding. And I ate all of it. Pigs blood pudding definitely isn't as bad as it sounds. They sell it at all the 7/11's. haha.
Alright you guys. I love mission work. Yesterday I was just riding my bike and I stopped at a red light. Talked to this lady for a minute. She said my Chinese was Excellent! Made my day. :) Yesterday while I was riding my bike(Roxanne) I talked to myself for at least a half an hour in a New Zealand accent. Just narrating what was happening.... Uhhhh. I now know why missionaries come home so weird. I'm going to be so weird when I get home. Haha.
I love you all with my whole XIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For real. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
Ye Zhang Lao

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