Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 17, 2014

 This past week was nuts. Literally an emotional roller coaster. Saturday was probably one of the hardest days of my entire mission. BUT, things got a lot better by the end of the week.
> Some serious drama with Eliza. So, when we invited her to be baptized she was concerned that her husband wouldn't let her. So she said before she sets a date for baptism she would like to ask her husband first. She asked him and he said it would be okay as long as she didn't take him to Church. Ha. Alright. No worries. Then on Saturday morning she sends us this text that says, "I want to read the entire Book of Mormon and understand everything about your Church. And I don't want to be baptized anymore." ..... We were super confused. So we went to her house to see what happened. She told us that her husband and daughter sent her tons of anti-mormon/Joseph Smith stuff over text. And she was super freaked out. When we went to her house we helped he a little bit and made sure if she would still be willing to come to Church on Sunday. When we were there she said it would be okay. But then a few hours later she texted us and said she doesn't want to meet with us and she doesn't want to come to Church. Uhhhhhhhhhhg. This made me so sad. So that night(Saturday night) Elder Liu and I decided to do a special fast for her. That she would still be willing to meet with us and that she could know the truth. 
> She said she didn't want to come to Church so I didn't tell anyone to take her to Church. Then, Sunday morning after church has started for ten minutes she texts me and says, "Is Brother Lin going to come and pick me up?" ....... What? Haha. I was super confused. So I asked if Brother Lin's wife could go get her. She said she could. But then she comes back a half an hour later and says she couldn't find her. During Church I continued to talk to Eliza and apologized that no one came to get her. And asked her if if would be okay if we visited her this week. She said we could come any day from 1p.m. to 7p.m. YES! She is still willing to meet with us!
> So, I believe that Eliza's mind was changed because we used some serious faith to pray and fast for her. Please pray for this woman. She needs the Gospel in her life so bad. I think that God gave her some hard challenges right off the bat so she can find her testimony and be truly converted. So, I'm grateful for these challenges. She will be like the anti-Nephi-Lehi's! Completely converted unto the Lord!
> Other than that this week was really good. Saw another really cool miracle. When I was on exchanges with an Elder Meeks we were waiting for an investigator outside of Mcd's when this girl that kind of looks like a boy walks by me. I start talking to her and she says that she just came back to Zhunan from Gaoxiong(the south of Taiwan). And her friend in Gaoxiong would take her to Church and pray for her. I asked her if we could sit with her for a minute and share a message about Jesus Christ. She said, "Yes." We met with her and during that first meeting the Spirit was strong. It was such a happy meeting. She set a baptismal date for 4/12! Her name is He Yi Fang. Pray for her!
> Our mission leader told us yesterday that if we can have a baptism in April that we can go and have a river baptism. THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR MY ENTIRE MISSION! I'm super stoked.
> I love this work. I love the Gospel. I know that Joseph Smith is God's chosen Prophet. I love you ALL!
> Love,
> Elder Relyea

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