Wednesday, March 26, 2014

January 5, 2014

My loved ones! What UP.
I finally left the beautiful land of Yuli... It was very bitter sweet. Before leaving I felt like I could stay for one more transfer. But then, I got moved. To ZHUNAN! Which actually was my second area on my mission! Super cool. This hardly ever happens. All the members were freakin' out. They are all like, "you can speak Chinese now!" Haha. Yesterday was awesome seeing them all. It is so crazy to me to think of the person I was back then to the person I am now. It is also crazy to think that I was here in 2012... And now it is 2014... It is mind bottling.
I am with a Bendi!!! Aka a Taiwanese Elder! His name is Elder Liu and he is the man. We actually started our missions at the exact same time. So we are both on our 14th transfer. Another cool thing is when I was in Zhunan the first time he was in Miaoli. And at that time we were in the same district. So, it is super cool. He is a crazy good missionary. Super smart. And focused. Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with the greatest companions. Elder Liu is my 12th companion. haha. I am so old. We are both on our 14th transfer.
Lemme tell you a sweet miracle we saw last night. We were walking around this park looking for people to talk to and I see this guy with his hood on to my right. We walk up to him and start talking to him. He has my same last name(YE), so we were homies right of the bat. He is a dad who was just barely divorced. He has a 5 year old and a 2 year old. We taught him how we have a loving Father in Heaven who loves us all and understands us completely. We taught him how to pray and I said a prayer for him. As a prayed the Spirit was strong. We asked him how he felt as we prayed. He told us his sadness was still there but he was able to feel complete peace. Before we left he said a prayer. It was one of the most sincere prayers I've heard from a man we just met. He even prayed for his ex-wife. That she could also have peace and happiness. I know that Heavenly Father wanted us to meet this man and teach him how to pray. I believe so strongly that there is serious power in prayer. I feel it every time we pray with someone. I know God hears our prayers and is watching over us all. The Ye Dixiong last night said we were just like angels. It is always a bit strange when people say that... But whatever.
Yeah, the last little bit in Yuli there was a bit rough. It was hard to stay positive. I wanted to help that place so so bad. But there are things that missionaries can't fix that need to be fixed before they see real improvement there. I love that place and those people with my whole heart. I've never felt like a real member of a Branch or Ward on my mission until I went there. I learned so many priceless things there that I know I wouldn't have learned anywhere else. And the companions I had there taught me so much. Heavenly Father truly gives us trials so we can grow. I know that to be true.
I love you all so much it is weird.
Love, Elder Relyea

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