Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22

Dear Everyone! Helllooooooooooooooooo!

Last P-day we just chilled so hard. Went to this restraunt called A-ma's. That is Grandma in Taiwanese. A-ma is the definition of a little old lady. Haha. She's probably... 85..ish. But she works so hard. I've seen her sit down like twice and we've been there a ton. When you go there they give you this special drink. It's really special. It's a bean drink and I call it Pond Juice. It looks like it is straight from a Pond. Haha. But it's not bad. The other day it was warm... Just made it more like a real pond. After A-ma's we went to this beach, and when I came to Taiwan the first time we stayed in a hostile right on the same Beach!!! So crazy! After that we watched Incredibles. So sick. Then this night we went to one of our investigator's house. Yang dixiong(His English name is Andy. Haha), we went there to talk to his mom about him getting baptized. He wants to get baptized so bad, but his mom won't let him. We brought our Branch President with us, we did everything in our power to tell her Baptism is only a good thing, but she still didn't change. It sucks because he has the Testimony! He will be blessed though. I know it.

Tuesday, we were supossed to be at the chapel at 5:45 in the morning to go to Hualian for a meeting........ We woke up at 5:42. Hahaa. This reminded me of every morning before school. haha. We had a Zone Training in Hualian which is a three hour train ride. The first thing they told us about was the Sister's dress code. They want them to look more lively. More Blake Lively. Not so much like Sister Wives. When we got back we went Enlglish contacting. Which is you just go around talking about our free English class. I love Enlish contacting because I only have to know how to say a few things. Ni tingguo women de yingwen ban ma? I say that over and over. Haha. I met a lady named Kevita. SUCH A SWEETHEART. She thanked me like 6 times for coming to Taiwan and sharing our happy message. Meeting people like her make everything I do worth it.

Wednesday, we were supposed to meed Hou Dixiong(man with no teeth) for lunch, but he wouldn't answer his phone. So we went to his house and he was eating lunch with his family. He totally spaced lunch. Haha. No worries, he invited us in to eat with him. I felt like we were intruding, for real. But they are so freaking nice. We ate this shrimp that looked like it was still alive, but wasn't. We had to peel off all the stuff of of them... Head, legs, shell guy, everything. Supry'singly they were really good. They put out a plate of fengli aka Pineapple..... I ate the whole plate pretty much... :/ Sorry. They are too good to us. Today we went to the hospital and sang to all the old people. We sang to this woman who is 94. Be Still My Soul is Zhongwen. It sounded so good. That was cool. Then had English class. I played Two Truths and a Lie with them. Haha. It was so fun. Paul, the 75ish man, first thing he says... "I'm a millionare." Hahaaha. He's awesome. He has some mole hair that's 6 inches long. At least.

Okay 19-20-21 all kinda meshed together. On the 19th I went on Exchanges with the South Elders. I was with You Zhanglao. He's from Taizhong. He's awesome. On the 19th I ate McDonald's here for the first time. It's HAO CHI! Aka delicious. Weirdly good. I don't know what they do here to make it so much better... I ate it for dinner two days in a row. Haha. On the 20th we were contacting on a super busy street, and Elder Peterson turns around to go talk to a man in his car... This man is probably the best person we've found just on the street. He is SO awesome! We talked to him for probably 15 minutes and I love him so much. His name is Yu Dixiong.

And Yesterday was awesome. I always love Sundae's. Even though I don't understand much, the spirit is so strong. Last night we met with a less active named Zhu dixiong. He said he was having a lot of doubts. We told him to CPR. Come to Church, Pray, and Read the scriptures. The Spirit was so strong. At the end he said twice he wasn't doubting as much. Such a cool experience. He remindes me of the big guy on Seseme Street with really long hair. "Hey Big Bird." Super deep voice. Ya know?

Alright, I love you guys!!!!!! So much. Have the best week of your lives. PEACE!

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